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Anchor 1


My vision is to have a life of meaning for myself, my family and others. It is important to me to live my life in a way that show kindness, care, and concern for family and friends and even my future students. Earn  respect for myself based on a recognition of my accomplishments and abilities, and maintain a sense of appreciation of the beauty of nature and sense of humor.​



To find happiness, fulfillment, and value in living i will  : ​​​​​​
  • REMEMBER what's important in life is happiness, free time, peace of mind, security, and wealth, not only financial wealth but also in spirit and positive attitude. 
  • REVERE admirable characteristic in others, such as being compassionate, committed, caring, moral, and attempt to implement similar characteristics in my own life. 
  • RECOGNIZE my strengths and develop talents as an art student who is responsible. trustworthy, a future teacher and speaker. 
  • HUMBLE myself by acknowledge that I can be sarcastic, egotistical, wrong about most anything at most time, and narrow mind and constantly striving to transform my weakness into strength.
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