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Asalammualaikum and hello everyone. My name is Fatihah binti Alhad. I am 21 years old. Welcome to my e-portfolio website !!! Lets find new knowledge together. I am the youngest in my family. I have only one brother. My physical traits.??? Ermmm.. I am chubby girl that living in this big world. My father name's is Alhad bin Mat Saman. My brother name's is Mohd Iqram bin Alhad. My family very protective about me. My dad always call me every morning, evening, night and sometimes everything when I am finished my class. I want to be a person that will make people in my surrounding happy living with me. i will make my parents proud if me. Last but not least I hope my late mother rest in peace. Her name is Fatimah. No words can describe how much I miss her. I want to advice that do not look at the past or what you have done before but look foward give your family a better life with lots of love. 

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