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This is my final project that has been named as EDITORIAL PUBLICATION. To accomplished this project i need to use Adobe In Design. In this project we need to make magazine about the places that has in our city that interesting and famous. I live in Kedah. So I choose Kedah as the place for e to accomplished this project. This is my first time doing in this software. At first, it was really hard because I don't know the tool that has in this software. I am trying in error and finally I did, It was awkward using this software but this software almost same as Adobe illustrator. In this project also, I would to thank to my friend Aqma who told me the function in this software and also giving me advice on how to handle your computer when your computer is not working. In this project also I learn how to arrange the typeface do it wall not be hiding by the picture, and really enjoy doing this project. The problem that I facing are, when my laptop are not function well because this computer is not design computer. The second problem is my health condition,  having a fever and flu really made my mood down easily. The third one is to arrange the composition to move forward and back. I hope you enjoy read about Kedah. This is the best place to visit . 

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