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       For mt 3rd project i been given a task to make a short video that contain kinetic typography as the main task. In this video or task, I need to do a video that consist of typography that are from different type of fonts. I have been using PowerPoint to make this video. During the process of making this video there lot of challenges that I need to facing to complete this video. Based on my experience use PowerPoint to make this video it was very hard. At first, I need to choose a fonts that suitable for the song and PowerPoint fonts are limited. So, I decided to download other type of fonts. Second for the transition and animation I need to set up the second that follow the beat of the song. It was hard because there lot of slide that I need to set up the transition or animation. Third is to save the video. When we play the slideshow the video was great it follow the bat of the song. But when we save it the animation and transition will be slow or super fast. For this video I already do it again and again more than hundreds times. It is because in one day I made almost 30 videos to check the transition and animation. It was disappointing me because the beat and the transition and animation of the fonts still not same. This is the video that I made and the transition still did not follow the beat. I hope that I can get an extra time to do it again. It is because when I do this video I fell happy because this one of my favorite song. From this project I have learned to creating a video, how to use various type of fonts that suitable, how to use the transition and animation properly. For this project I put a lot of effort to make the song lyrics suitable with the way the song lyrics synchronized with the song beats. That the part that was very challenging. 


       For this song, the tittle of this song is "Waste It On Me" by Steve Aoki ft. Bts. I am  a big fan of BTS since I was 16 years old. I choose their song because it will motivate me to finished the whole video. This EDM song tell about the tale of two lovers with two different view of love. One looks at love from a pessimistic point of view calling it a "messed up" thing and a waste of time. However, the other partner looks at it from an optimistic point of view and strongly believes that one should not give up. The latter encourages the former not to give up on love and give their love a chance. They tell them that if they think love i waste of time, they should feel free and waste it on them. So one of the lyrics is "So, if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time, Waste it on me"



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